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High pressure micro mist humidifier

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High humidification efficiency: because the size of the spray particles from the high-pressure micro mist nozzle is only 3-15 μ m, it can quickly mix with air and be absorbed, and the vaporization efficiency is as high as 90-10

Detail information of products:

System description and working principle The high-pressure micro fog humidification and cooling system is based on the principle of water molecules evaporation and absorption of environmental heat. When the content of water vapor in the air is not saturated, the water molecules on the surface of the micro droplets evaporate rapidly, and the droplets vaporize rapidly to become water vapor and absorb heat at the same time! In this process, the humidity of the air will increase and the temperature will decrease. In general, for every gram of water evaporated, the temperature of 1 kg of dry air can be reduced by 2.46 ℃. The lower the relative humidity of the air, the higher the temperature, the greater the cooling range; on the contrary, the higher the relative humidity of the air, the lower the temperature and the smaller the cooling range. When the relative humidity of air is above 95% and the temperature is 25 ℃, the cooling effect is not obvious.
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