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Complete range of products for system control, print job creation and image quality enhancement.

Detail information of products:

An extensive suite of print system software Meteor offers an extensive suite of software for building industrial inkjet printers from the ground up while significantly reducing time-to-market and development risk. At the heart of the Meteor software stack is the PrintEngine which works together with Meteor’s printhead drive electronics to control the print system data path. For bespoke single-pass or scanning systems, the power and flexibility of PrintEngine is accessible through Meteor Software Development Kits. For print system developers who prefer not to create their own workflow or control solutions, Meteor offers a range of configurable Digital Front Ends for a variety of single-pass or scanning applications. Meteor software innovations extend beyond core print system operation to include solutions designed to enhance print quality including screening, swath management, colour profiling, print calibration & nozzle-out compensation technologies.
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