


China International Exhibition for All Printing Technology & Equipment

October 12-16, 2026


Shanghai New International Expo Centre

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CMYUK materials help Berwick printer meet ‘unprecedented’ demand

Time:2020-07-02 From:

Fantasy Prints, a print company based in Berwick-upon-Tweed, has turned to CMYUK to help it meet unprecedented demand for floor graphics during the lockdown period. 

Paul Martin, marketing and social media manager at Fantasy, says the company has never ordered multiple pallets of the same product during his 27 years there. However, over the last eight weeks Fantasy has had to consistently reorder large volumes of materials from CMYUK’s Safe Spaces range to meet the demand.

This came about after managing director Sarah McMorn recognised that social distancing would be the new required norm and requested that Mr Martin and another colleague design a clutch of social distancing products for the Fantasy Prints’ website. Having done so Mr Martin used SEO principles to promote the new products online. 

‘What I discovered from Google was no matter how many buttons you put on your website what matters is what happens behind the scenes,’ Mr Martin explained. ‘That’s what I did for social distancing. I looked at what people might be typing in. I didn’t spend anything on Google advertising. It all been through organic searching.’

As a result of this work 95% of Fantasy Print’s current customers are new, coming to it as a result of the need for floor graphics. ‘We’ve had every sort of business you could think of big and small, schools, multinationals and everything in between,’ Mr Martin continued. ‘The industry has changed as to what people are asking for and we’ve adapted to that.’

In terms of equipment Fantasy Prints operates an EFI VUTEk GS2000LX, which it purchased from CMYUK in 2017 that it runs alongside two other wide-format digital printers. It also has an ESKO X24 digital cutting table, again purchased from CMYUK, this time in early 2018.