


China International Exhibition for All Printing Technology & Equipment

October 12-16, 2026


Shanghai New International Expo Centre

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Spicers announces 6% increase on all products

Time:2021-05-31 From:

Supplier Spicers says pulp, energy and shipping costs have forced the company to increase its prices for all print and packaging products by 6% – effective 1st July 2021.

“We wish to advise that from Thursday July 1st, Spicers & Direct Paper will be implementing price increases on all Commercial print, Digital and Packaging products throughout the range,” Dale O'Neill, GM, Print and Packaging Spicers Australia, told customers via email. “This increase will represent a 6% increase across all products.


“Whilst currency has been kind to us over the last six months, significant increases now in pulp, mill energy costs, international shipping rates, vessel space and local container clearance costs have significantly impacted our supplier channels.


“COVID-19, whilst not having a big impact locally is still causing huge problems for our suppliers internationally, which is impacting Spicers buying rates.


“Whilst I understand that market conditions remain tough, this increase will only recover some of the higher costs passed on from our suppliers and although it is my hope that we have seen the last of these increases, I cannot rule out further increases should input costs continue to rise in future.


“As usual, Spicers are here to offer a competitive and reliable service model for your benefit, but in order to continue to do this we need to implement the above increase.


We trust that the above meets with your acceptance and I welcome any questions or concerns you may have. Your local Spicers representative will be out to see you in due course to discuss further and present updated price books.”


On March 1, Spicers raised its prices by 3%-8% after increases on the hiring and shipping of containers.